
Project Modifications

Warkworth Continuation Project - Modification Application (MOD 2)

Warkworth Mining Limited (ABN 42 001 385 842) made an application to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces to modify the State Significant Development Consent SSD-6464 pursuant to Section 4.55(1A) of the New South Wales (NSW) Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) (Modification 2).  Modification 2 was approved under delegation of the Minister for Planning on 27 May 2022.

Modification 2 augments the existing approved water management system to enable the transfer and storage of water into the existing Lemington Underground Mine void for later extraction and reuse at MTW and HVO.  Modification 2 also approves construction of a new Ultra Class Truck Workshop adjacent to the existing workshop at the Warkworth Mine.

For more information, including the Modification Report and Notice of Modification, please visit the NSW Government Major Projects website (

For further information relating to proposed Modification 2, please contact:

Gary Mulhearn – 02 6570 1734
Environment & Community Manager